On Good Friday I had the privilege of attending the Secret Church Simulcast of David Platt, author of Radical. It was a six hour intensive Bible study on the crucifixion, salvation and the glory of God. Starting at 7 pm and going to 1:00 am, I wasn’t sure what I was in for or even how long I would last considering my heart condition. In fact, nearly all my friends drove separately so we could each leave when we were tired. Yet we all left at 1:30 am with more spiritual nourishment than we have received in years. My mind was swirling with thoughts of my Lord and how to get more of His Word into my life.
Truly, some of the most worthwhile time I have ever spent.
David Platt has traveled the world speaking at real Secret Church meetings - where Christians are forced to gather in secret for church at the risk of their lives. He has taught them for 12 hours at a time and still they are hungry for more of the Word of God. Much of the world’s Christians meet like this for church – in homes and at great sacrifice and risk while, I wake up on Sunday morning and wonder who will decide to spend two hours at church that day.
The Secret Church meetings in America were begun as a way to remember the 70% of Christians worldwide who risk persecution as a way of life. They also are a way to gather for intense Bible teaching – something that has been lost in our entertainment driven society.
As I sat in church that Good Friday evening, I couldn’t help but notice most of the seats were empty. If believers from restricted countries were allowed to attend, it would have been standing room only. People would have left any obligation (work, family), sacrificed anything (income, sleep, their life) to hear the Word of God.
With the threat of persecution, one is forced to evaluate the eternal. While we in prosperity, tend to choose what is most convenient and entertaining. Yet, whenever I choose easy and pleasurable over eternal, the fulfillment seems even more temporary. That night at Secret Church will stay with me forever.
One day I will stand before the throne and my persecuted brothers and sisters will be next to me. I am beginning to believe I will be envious of their choices made in life as they cast their crowns before Jesus.
As an American, I have been given so much. I have ten Bibles, commentaries, Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, a Christian bookstore in town, Christian radio, podcasts and endless tools available at my fingertips. The Bible says, “…From everyone who has been given much, much will be required and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.” (Luke 12:48)
What is God requiring of me?
To access study guides and video of Secret Church go to www.DiscipleMakingIntl.org