Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Retreat Reflections

We are all called to share the great things God has done. We especially need to thank Him when we know it was the prayers of many that laid the foundation for all that happened. As Leslie and I return from another retreat, we always say that we can really tell when a retreat has been heavily prayed over. The support of the church prayer team and a group from the East Coast faithfully lifted this weekend to the Lord, and He supplied “above and beyond what we could ask or imagine.” (Eph 3:20)

There were so many “God appointments” that He had lined up for us as we earnestly prayed for every person and conversation that He would bring across our paths. I think you will enjoy the amazement of how our God worked while leaving out the names and details to honor confidentiality.

It started early as we met in the California church parking lot with 4 others to drive the 2½ hours to the retreat center. One of the girls who I had never met or heard of hugged me and said, “I read your blog.” It is amazing how our God works across 3,000 miles. She later shared some life threatening health issues that she had and she wondered how God was going to use her. She said that reading about my heart issues gave her the courage to take one day at a time. I later shared with her that God gives us grace for the moment and not for the imagination. She was one of those girls that you just instantly loved. That was enough to rejoice in how the prayers of many were being answered. But God was just warming up.

Leslie and I gave our first Mentoring workshop just after lunch on Saturday and from that moment on we both had one God-appointment after another. Many of the details are too private to share, but some general comments can be made to display how awesome our God is.

- Met a girl who lived in the same neighborhood that Leslie lives in and where I used to live. We prayed together for something that had been on her heart for five years and it was answered by that evening.

-Bonded with the head of their mentoring program and got to walk on the beach with her. Was able to pass along scripture sheets to use for counseling in their mentoring program. They are adding elements to enhance their program from the workshop.

- Leslie and I shared how very different our personalities are, and how God uses that in ministry to work more like the body of Christ. Several ladies said that they need to reconcile relationships with those that they had personality clashes with. Many were encouraged to see how we were free to be how God designed them. They saw how very different people can work together in the body of Christ and be great friends.

- I will be in follow up contact with ladies that have asked for support in areas were I have had personal painful experiences. God created circumstances that had me “bump” into them during the normal activities of the retreat. God never wastes our pain. “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Cor 1:4

-One lady asked if I would be available for further contact with a counseling fee? I had to laugh out loud at that thought and my children would laugh even louder. Why is it that teenage children do not want our “free counsel”? Sorry for the diversion, and now back to the retreat. This lady has an evangelism gift and she sees how her circumstances are allowing that gift to be used.

- Bible study recommendations for the summer were asked for as women are thirsty for the Word. Many saw the need to be in God’s Word on a consistent basis.

- Many marriage covenants were strengthened by the power of the scriptures.

- At the end of the retreat, there was one person left in the dining hall that I had not run across yet. It was just the two of us. She ended up having a son that lived in Jacksonville where I lived and wanted to know of a good church to send him to. I keep pinching myself, saying, “I am in CA and this is happening!” She had no idea that I was from Jacksonville.

-Most importantly, we had new sisters in Christ and those that turned their lives over to following Jesus with ALL their heart. WOW!

The most amazing things that God did are not written in this blog. Instead there are written in the private parts of the heart that only God sees as they spend intimate time with their Lord.

Many of you prayed for my strength and wisdom. I was never tired and felt stronger than before I had any heart issues. At one point I had five straight hours of non-stop one-on-one conversations, and I clearly know that God supplied me with thoughts of HIS wisdom as it could have only come from Him.

Thank you to all the 132 ladies of First Baptist Church of Elk Grove and especially to the prayer warriors for the absolute joy of experiencing God at work.

Leslie, I love you and it is an honor to walk this journey alongside of you. You will be happy to know I have tears in my eyes as I wrote this last paragraph since you taught my heart how to cry with joy.

To read the CA retreat director's reaction go to michelleernster.blogspot.com. You will be blessed.